About me
Born in Tsukuba Science City (Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan).After attending Tsuchiura 1st Senior High School, studied at Keio University and graduate school. After working in the private sector, I moved on to a career in research and education. For more information about my career journey, please visit
Currently I reside in Tokyo. Mother of twin boys.
My favorite things: Traveling, trekking and outdoor activities. Picking mushrooms.
My favorite movies: Underground, School of Rock, The Devil wears Prada, Interstellar, The Queen's Gambit
座右の銘:"Keep Yourself Alive"(Queen)、"愛がなければ無に等しい"(コリントの信徒への手紙)
趣味・好きな映画/ドラマ:旅行・登山、漫画、映画/ドラマ/Youtube動画観賞、アウトドア, Underground, School of Rock, The Devil wears Prada, Interstellar, The Queen's Gambit.
Research Interest
My specialty is Business Administration (Organizational Behavior and Organization Theory). My research areas include international strategy and management, global innovation and CSR management, entrepreneurship, startup ecosystem, entrepreneurship education. My interest consistently lies in "the influence of the institutional environment (values, norms, and beliefs rooted in society and organizations) on the value creation of people and companies and its transformation," which is the theme of my research and education.
専門は経営学( 組織行動論、組織論)。研究分野は国際経営(海外子会社のイニシアティブとアントレプレナーシップ)、企業のCSR、アントレプレナーシップ、スタートアップエコシステム、起業家教育など多岐にわたる。一貫して「人や企業の価値創造を創発する制度的環境(Institutional Environment=社会や組織に根付く価値観、規範, 信条)の影響とその変革」をテーマに研究教育を行っている。